we're talking rates that may make a loanshark, you're paying a loanshark. now a loanshark blanch. tony soprano will give you better terms. however, they will financially kneecap you with penalties and late fees that can destroy wa you have been able to build up from our paycheck or other investments. like many aspects of personal finance i have at one time or another brushed up against credit cards. i owed a huge amount to various creditors just enough to make it so i had little money left to live on. initially because of rotten luck and a real bad break i ended up living in my car. i'm a saver, i managed to put a few bucks away and investing with the great peter lynch. by the way his first book, one up on wall street remains the text for understanding the market. it's ever penned. it's at amazon. once i finally knew where i was going to live i was already in hock to a bunch of companies i owed to before i started living in my fairmont the credit card companies found me and i took a bunch down. pretty much everyone who offered me plastic. i figure you can pay the minimum and strin