this is what all the politicians fear loasing the most, the fear is what happens if an independent scotlandands the withdrawal... (technical difficulties) ..independence would make the future of this place a huge bargaining chip. >> on a day-to-day basis the scottish police force has to protect the naval base on (technical difficulties) [ no audio ] ..the other question is what happens to the british army, which traditionally carried lots and lots of scots. the scottish government... (technical difficulties) ..establishment believed scottish soldiers would far rather stay where they are now. scotland... (technical difficulties) [ no audio ] ..more people out of scotland per capita than anywhere else in the u.k. we always have, we always will. [ no audio ] teb tech teb tech (technical difficulties) (technical difficulties) .. >>> the wealthiest and popular sports league... (technical difficulties) [ no audio ] ..baltimore ravens running back ray rice has been sidelined. his case is overshadowing the start of the american football season. (technical difficulties) [ no audio ] ..women's groups