on first amendment, and the prosecutorial misconduct of rule of all, the basic principle of the loblaw's legality. you have to know something is criminal. come up with new crimes. but because these cases are so intricately tried, you can get cases where arguably the statute creates a safe harbor for the conduct. in other words, it may be illegal under the foreign law, may be savory, but walking around bribes that are being talked about, but they are ambiguous. the company cannot take it to trial. and so you have safe harbors remedy and openness and authority concerned, separation of powers concerned. we we have seen some of these figures coming in and occasionally getting used. this will be more in the civil context. the professor talks about it in his book. on both sides individuals who by agreeing to comply and cooperate, and getting themselves out of jail. pain to get the money out. the flipside, the revolving door of the justice department are you are going to make $1 million a million dollars year working on the other side of these transactions, these non-prosecution type negotiatio