local glogova changed. it it's not the swedes are marketed to. sweden is considered one of the most refugee friendly countries in the world that's up to taken in more solemn seekers per capita than anywhere else in europe rather do. that was two years ago when we visited the wild west the park which in the off season became a refugee camp for five hundred people who had all gone through hell to get here. i'll be honest with you there were times when i said in my comfortable apartments in moscow when i was watching the news i would think yes you are past to do something they need to they need to limit the number of refugees that they allow into their country because it's they are soon some cases starting to outnumber the local communities in certain villages certain cities but haven't met some of them the children especially. they deserve a chance. people need to help even though you can't just let. the people stay where they are or. in the border. it's not easy to start again in the new country but sweden has provided everything occurred in terms