we want to invite you to join the conversation on social media by using the #lockedout, and we're coming to you live from the night studio at the museum in washington, d.c., and here to welcome us is the former president of colgate university, award-winning author and political scientist, the president and c.e.o. of the newseum, mr. jeffrey herbst. [applause] mr. herbst: good morning. welcome to the night studio. welcome to the newseum. the newseum explains, promotes, defends the five freedoms of the first amendment and right of free expression. we do it through a building which welcomes 800,000 people a to discuss important issues around our foundational freedoms and an educational program which reaches close to three million schoolchildren through digital outreach. in our building you will see the long history of struggles for freedom in the united states and how those struggles have depended on the rights of assembly, speech, press, expression, religion and petition. critical to our building has been the long struggling united states for civil rights. we tell the story of what has bee