now the administration has moved to deny al a lockie his right to an attorney to challenge his statuson this u.s. hit list prompting a lawsuit from the a.c.l.u. and the center for constitutional rights on behalf of a lockheed father joining me from brazil to discuss this shocking development is glenn greenwald from salon dot com thank you for being here mr greenwald now this issue of miranda rights with lawmakers wanting to delay reading them to criminals who are terrorist suspects by the u.s. they want to not allow them to get their miranda rights as long as necessary a new bill from california congressman adam schiff is asking for that does that help the u.s. bust enemies or does it throw away due process. well ironically the whole premise of the obama campaign when he was running for president was that we need not write rewrite our justice system in order to accommodate terrorism that we have a very strong court system and two hundred twenty years of justice rules that came in obtained prosecutions very easily and they're important safeguards within those rules and when we start ju