we went back and started a course of activity based therapy, locko motor training on a treadmill. he had 180 sessions. by the end of the training he could walk distances of 400 feetway walker, when he had no voluntary movement of his legs previously. >> that's incredible. >> exciting. >> this is the area of the spinal cord that deals with the lower extremities. two of the patients that have been implanted have quadripledgia, meaning their injury was higher into the neck area. a nurse that controls the arms are high. we haven't seen much voluntary movement in the neck area, but what we are targetting is the lower portion of the cord at the time. interestingly the two patients have neck industry and appears as someone who has par pledgia. the other has head functioning. >> christopher is instrumental in the project. how optimistic are you that paralysis no longer be a life-time sentence. >> i believe with time, paralysis will not be a lifetime reality. >> i believe it will be a comment playing a role and there'll be many factors playing a role. it will include therapies, activity ba