look on as a curse for some and a blessing for others, lococked into the basin might be as much as 400 trillion fefeet of shale gagas, the fifth largest deposot in the worldld. since the moratorium on natural gas exploration was lifted in 2012, companies like royal dutch shell and others are lining up about south africa's door, waiting for the green light for what the momenent -- for what te government hopes will be green energy,, jobs, development. >> one of the issues we have with the lonong-term costs of fracking is that the governments and the oil and gas industriess are very keen to promote i it on ththe basis that it brings prosperity. what is this the talking about? are they talking about short- term gains for a few global companies and the government that is to be ruling at ththe moment? that is what they call prosperity. that prospererity is that the ct of the prospsperity of future generations, then it isis not worth it. >> this group is part of a growing resistance to natural gas production that appearared t do whatever it takes to prevent exploration in this deposit. >> the