preventing school choice, and economic competition in the inner-cities, they are preventing the ability of loewentakenf drugs -- thug, criminals off the street and killing fellow minorities in the name of what? the people who doo this democrat party, and democrat cities, and so forth, they claim that represent the very people who aree being abov -- impoverished and brutalized is that a problem. >> is the problem. but the question is what is the path forward, it will not be done by engaging in debate with the other side, we have to demonstrate by our actions going -- to institutions of school, 110-year-old black boarding school only takes in children at high-risk families, and over the years, they have mandatory chapel, mandatory work. 96%or of these kids graduate and go to college and live successful lives. there is an example of a pathway from above ter to prosperity -- poverty to prosperity, we mist t make sure that actions exemplify the american values should be most prosperous. mark: well said, we'll be right back. and one we explore. one that's been paved and one that's forever wild. but fre