>> i fully understand kirkland lofton's position and the lofton family. i feel for them.t them to have their day in court. i went ahead and typed up a statement of charges to charge scott. i couldn't get the blessing from the state's attorney's office to go forward with it. >> reporter: but you would say to him, jason scott is the sdmirl. >> i will sty him -- killer? >> i would say to him jason scott is the killer. he's the one who took carissa away from him. the bottom sideline we know that jason is gone forever. he only has one life to give. we can't punish him any more than what he's already being punished. >> reporter: the serial killer the master robber and burglar, will likely die behind bars. the neighborhoods he terrorized are safe again. but under some roofs, there's been damage to that concept of home as a sanctuary. take vicky and lloyd irvin. they've kept their burglar bars their home alarm system. they didn't know how much they needed that stuff until we filled them in. let me tell you something that will probably freak you out -- and this comes from guy numb