cool is virtually the only living to be made in logan county ninety years. old thank you to some of the worst prescription drug abuse in america that's all there is how if you're not in a call of the drugs it's one or the other for. nearly a century later the coal companies still wield incredible influence and political power. marchers found public roads blocked with boulders and campsites shut down the coal companies call them up and said if you let these marchers stay at your campsite everybody in your family is going to lose their job which side are you. at least. which side are you. more than one hundred forty protesters trespass and cool company land like the miners the companies before them ninety years ago these activists say they intentionally risk the rest by trespassing on the mines property to drive tension to the second battle of blair mountain if they resist it isn't ending anytime soon and that appellation will rise again i'm more so angry that. the people you know the people of appalachia the hillbillies have been beaten down for so long and b