are enough cases involving people who can be placed in the same category as ann coulter or my logan opelousas, that it is a problem and there's more subtle problems of ideological discrimination -- milo yiannopoulos. and other such matters which are quite significant and, therefore, while it's important not to paint with a broad brush, we have nazism or gulags on campus or whatnot taking over, it's also important not to go to the opposite extreme and say well, there really is no problem except whatever has been jammed up by some right wing provocateurs for the purpose of getting more retweets. >> a couple of questions about high schools. this last week and we saw a really large march here in washington, march for our lives, which featured several high school students exercising free speech and political participation rights. to what extent do you think on the students side of thing that issues of freedom of speech, issues of tolerance when the students arrive? i don't know if you teach freshman at princeton or not, but when they arrived they are all sort of, they've been there because in high