you say and you have said when talking about it that you actually feel some sympathy for logan roy. like? well, there is, we are seeing wonderful things at the moment, don‘t get me wrong. i think there are such amazing acts of courage and bravery going on, it is humbling what is happening out there but at the same time, you know, we hold the mirror up to nature. that is what we do. that is what actors do. shakespeare said it and that is what we do. the mirror up to nature shows that nature in all of its flaws and we are very much in the middle of a kind of evolution where we have not quite evolved enough. we are quite disappointing, in many ways. the human experiment is quite disappointing because of the avarice and greed and all the stuff that goes with it and we see it every day, every time the american president opens his mouth, it isjust... let me stop you because that is such a depressing reflection. succession, i‘m old enough to have enjoyed west wing for example, when it came out and there was such hoping that because the whole staff, the presidential figure in west wing was