people like logan roy, he is a self—made man, this is the thing him and i have in common — we‘re self—madees he love his children?" and he said, "yes, he certainly loves his children," but he has a funny way of expressing it. and i don‘t want to play the psychiatrist with you but it strikes me, you are a self—made man, logan royjust the same. you have had four kids and those kids have been brought up in a very different environment from yourself. are you saying to me that you, like logan roy, fear that your kids have been brought up in an environment where they‘ve been made spoilt and soft? do you think that‘s the experience of the modern child of a successful parent? i think that is a...there is the possibility of that. they are still in it young and forming themselves as personalities. we are here in this very enclosed environment now with my two youngest boys, my 18—year—old and my 15—year—old, and actually they are going to extraordinary times. just hormonally, they are going through difficult times as kids and trying to make sense of a world that does not seem to make any sense at the