jazeera's fault line and danish journalist carsa were embedded with taliban fighters in an operation in logar province. >> sitting at the back of a motor bike, driven by a taliban earlier this evening, we heard the sound of the drones quite nervous. they have taken us to a safe house where a number of taliban fighters are checking their weapons. >> for the several days that i am with the taliban, they only tell me to stop. but i am acutely aware i wouldn't have been allowed here? >> we always had a certain media savvy, the way they used the media to establish their point of view and get their case across, they should. we certainly do. they have always been actually failure sophisticated in communications and i think allowing cameras in and doing interviews like this is another example. >> the commander is a 23-year-old man called misan, a veteran of numerous claims beens the government and nato troops. at the moment, we are just sitting and waiting here. i am not allowed to go beyond. the atmosphere is a little bit tense. people there are preparing themselves. they are changing all the time.