logcap iii is currently being executed. in iraq, we are starting to input data as well. i want to say about, probably about 50% of the data that we've been asked now to -- >> let me stop you there. i commend the current initiatives and indirectly you have answered the question and i'm going to move on. which is, you have taken the initiative. it just seems to me wrong. .. >> mr. carroll, you're kind of stuck in the middle, and you said you were inherently middle. you used word like they're marginally effective and they embrace the audits, and yet your report, like, you use this exduded party system, another epls, and you said two-thirds of the cases they didn't put in the data. and i guess they found religion, and you say they hadn't consistently used available, used available information. and it kind of fits the same theme that i'm trying to explore with admiral gilbeau. what the heck took so long? i mean, really, you know, this is about accountability, and the ig's doing their job and looking at it and bringing things, and the best you can say -- and i understand what you say is they embrace the audit. that means they t