house that remembers even before the soviet period can be called the polish hour, as they say to logišinehe council , there was a chicken coop, but it was also an administrative building and they lived here. for example, the same, for example, a doctor lived here. well, it's like an example of architecture preserved from that period. until 1941, a lot of jews lived in logishin. and now here we can see the jewish cemetery. these are the periods of the xix century, the preserved cemetery, which is also part of the history of the village. after the destruction of the ghetto, there were no jews left in the village, but as a memory, their houses remained, which after the great patriotic war were given to the inhabitants of the village, which, as you can see, made their own adjustments. time passes, but alimony jewish culture and architecture, we can still see the current street, tomilova, and modern lenin street, these were the so-called jewish streets and houses. we can see rather prosperity to judge the jew. here in particular. this house can be seen, it is brick yes, solid with certain. eh,