called purple, machine that diplomats were using, communicating with tokyo about the intentions of hit loire-- hitler and one woman had been not billion able to fine work as a university math professor and freedman was willing to hire women. he understood, and the federal government in general was a reasonably good equal opportunity -- relatively good equal opportunity employer. but he hide this woman who had not been able to fine a job as a university math professor, they'd been working the code system for two years. she saw the statistical relationship between the mess yap -- she had the key insaying that enabled them to break purple and get a stream of diplomatic communications out of europe in particular, including where the d-day landings would best be made. i'll say with the navy we don't know because there's an interesting document, right before pearl harbor, trying to figure out whether they're get the communication tell intense officers -- intelligence officers they need, and there's a document, new source, women's colleges. but there's no name on the record. that's lost to time. >>