everyone node what that character and is that character in itself is very inspirational, whether it's lois laneor the american girl dolls, it is really inspired a whole lot of women just kind of the notion of this brave, courageous, curious creation. i think legacy of the era and maybe not such a good way is that women's pages still exist. a lot of times they're coded as other things like the best file section or a collection of our articles which we're going to put together, special interest to women, and i really think that is an unfortunate leg that we're -- we still see from that early time when the women's pages were really pioneered. i think women's business is everyone's business, and if there's an amazing female politician some shouldn't be in the style pages, where often she is. she should be on the front page and women's health, which these reporters covered a ton, it's concerned a concern to everybody there's my little minny up op-ed. >> it's amazing the format of the magazines has rye manies the same as the world has changed, the world that's being reported. that's really interestin