my name is lois scott, and i live by cathedral, i live on cathedral hill by st. mary's cathedral about two and a half blocks from the proposed hospital site. i'm on the board of the cathedral hill neighbors who were dispointed that our neighborhood who was going to be reunited in your quest and necessity to have the numbers come out was still split. i guess we joined russia hill as one of those neighborhoods that will be permanently split. we're some what of an emerging neighborhood association, that we've only been in existence about half a dozen years, not as long as some of the other neighborhoods in san francisco. we have a huge, huge issue coming up on the construction of the cathedral hill campus of the hospital. 555 beds, a huge impact on our neighborhood. that particular block we urgently request you put that back in district five. it has no population and as a future hospital it will have no population. it is so much more related to the western addition than the marina in district two. we are the immediate neighbors of that facility so we implore you to