captain loitledwarf was involved in san francisco before it was even named san francisco. before san francisco was even a part of the united states of america. he was one of the first civic leaders in the council, he was one of the first school board members. he was a part of donating land for the first public school system in the state of california and was very actively engaged civically involved and really made a mark on san francisco. it is so important that we honor his legacy here today in light of what is happening, a transformation of san francisco, a transformation of downtown. and we have one of his descendants who actually works for the city for ocii welcoming authorize ca lossski who is going to talk a little bit later. but the point is, we have to remember what san francisco is. and we can't continue to allow others to define who we are. we know what san francisco represents, we know as what was said by robby earlier, that this entire place was created overtime to develop this significant financial district as a goal rush started. when you look at the maps of