change their sexual orientation, identity, preventing from learning about who they are during add lolesce and by the time they become young adults they're more than eight times as likely to attempt and take their own lives. >> oh, my goodness. this graphic talks about how people believe they can be a happy lgbt? >> research also family accepting behavior, like talking with your child even when uncomfortable. standing up for them when others mistreat them because of who they are. requiring that other family members respect them even if they disagree, these behaviors are protective against suicide, substance abuse, depression and a way of vaccinating your child with love, if you will. >> i like that. people want to help you with your project, how can they do that? >> help by donating to us, part of san francisco state university. you can donate directly on our web page. we're the only project of this kind in the world and rely on donations and whatever we can gather together to purchase these multilingual, multieducational materials like the films. we have to show families hope, and how the