it will be closer than loma prieta was, probably stronger than loma prieta was, and south of market is going to suffer a very great deal of damage, and if you or i are lucky enough to be on the sidewalk next to an old building on bad soil that happens to lose a wall, a parapet, whatever, because foundation cracks and settles several feet, we could be the victim. that is why this eir should not be certified until it does this analysis, identifies those mitigations, and gives you the chance as the legislative body to then -- [ bell rings ] -- for the city to pin that down, the obligations of property owners and the time scheduled to accomplish it. thank you. >> supervisor kim: thank you. next speaker is phillip babich. >> good afternoon, members of the board, and staff and department representatives. my name is phillip babich, i'm with the law firm reed smith. we raised three issues on appeal, but the one i want to focus on is our first issue, and that's that the eir should have considered a higher housing density alternative that could have reduced certain environmental impacts on trans