election that conservatives care the most about the one that you trade the others for is 1980 when lon aronald reagan had to e appear to be losing our way we can be better if we recover what is always best in our tradition and for those of you who do not remember that time, it was a very powerful call. the touch people working on ship yards and people living in the shadow of tie ran any from cue ca to china. it touched blacks in south africa and people all over the world who loved hearing the call of freedom. for all the people in your 20s who are here, people in the 20s in the 1980s were almost jeanetjese predisposed to be democrats. in love with a guy who was 70 years of age and spoke powerfully to their sense of imagination. people who worked with their hands. who had been taught understandably that the respect party was the party of royalism and they discovered that there was a party that connected with their faith and goals with their lives and it was the republican party and blue collar people who worked with their hands found a home and party. i mention all of that for a simple reason. i have