yeah-- lon chaney in the mummy's curse. well, he's got his curse. i've got you. well, i think i'll take a quick shower. in your raincoat? of course not. i'll hang it up when i get in there. so you just went out for a nice, brisk walk? yeah, that's right. nothing else? no, nothing else. you finished with your third degree? maybe i'll take my shower now. while you're in there, you might as well give those dirty magazines a bath, too. what dirty magazines? the ones you got in your pockets. you mean popular mechanics and the reader's digest? show them to me. i don't have to show them to you. oh, go f...ix your window. okay, now, don't just sit there. do something interesting. uh... okay. let's see... yeah. ( slavering ) ( shrieks ) no! no... not that interesting. i can't think of anything else to do. you can never think of anything else to do. wait. hold everything, he does not have his makeup on yet. sit down, jack. oh. what is this? face powder to help your nose not shine. are you sure we need...? ( spitting ) close your eyes, please. close. what's this? this is ju