scarlet: brad loncar of loncar investments, thank you.matter if you are bullish or bearish on u.s. big tech, the etf industry has you covered. check out this week's "there is an etf for that." ♪ scarlet: investors who have a view on fang names are spoiled for choice. that is because rex shares, through its micro sectors products, offers exchange traded notes that covered the spectrum of exposure to the nyse fang plus index. there are leverage notes that are long, as well as inversely tied to the 10 companies in the index. you've got the original fang names, facebook, amazon, netflix and alphabet, plus six other well-known tech companies, twitter, apple, alibaba, nvidia, tesla, and baidu. we are focusing on the three times in verse leveraged etf, lso known as fang. as its name implies, fang uses derivatives to achieve three times the opposite of the fang plus index. performance wise, fang trailed the index since launching in january 2018, but be warned that this family of etf's are not buy and hold investments. fang has roughly $25 million