and the other case studies that we've evaluated in places like london buenos aires, barcelona, part of the program is to promote these businesses he in the aggregate as part of the history of the city and their often cultural heritage destinationses and that has also been a part of the success of those programs. the legislation, of course, is also informed by our own legacy bars and restaurants program, and i think you have our pocket guide thats was handed out to the commissioners today. and it is really intended to be a public education program, to raise awareness about these places and how long they've been in existence and it's really had a phenomenal response by the public, both locals and out of town visitors have really had a hugely potive response to these places. and there is great debate as to which business he are not included in that map. i'm sure you'll look at that and say, well, why isn't this place included and that what really one of our primary aims in printing that, is to kind of stir dialogue and debate as to which businesses are important in my neighborhood and sho