london hasvery, very large muslim population. some statistics show that people in london, it's a multicultural area and it's a tragedy regardless of where it occurred. >> we really appreciate your time. thank you again for joining us. senior editor. i want to speak now. she was inside the mosque during the attack and witnessed the aftermath. what can you tell me? >> basically when we finished, i stayed behind to talk to someone. after that, i heard people shouting and screaming. people were saying go inside, go inside, it's not safe. then i didn't listen and i kept walking and then the crime scene, i saw some people laying down. sadly one of them was dead. and then police moved us. that's what happened. and also someone was arrested. i believe it was the criminal. >> a friend of yours was with someone was hit, we understand? >> sorry? >> i'm being told that a friend of yours was with somebody who was hit by this n. >>y frie, her brother was injured. i couldn't talk to hir becse police beliemoved me. >> what do you know ashlt the p