. >> but a tea party guy named steve lonergan.now him. >> keep an eye on steve lonergan, he's won for governor twice. he lost both races. he's a tea party guy, ran americans for tea party new jersey. definitely has a shot in the race. >> can governor kain's son, is he going to run? tom kain, junior, will not run. joe crillos won't run. i expect lonergan to be the nominee or close to the nominee. here's the story, you have to file by monday. if you don't have a thousand signatures, you can't run in the primary. >> let's look at the other side real fast, cory booker is the odds on favorite. on the other hand, i know frank cologne. i know he has a couple 3 million dollars, do we write him off? >> don't write him off. he has the new jersey democratic machine, $3 million in the bank. booker is a media star. he does not have this thing in the bank at all. she still has to run a tough race. >> i am probably dreaming here. i'm just saying it's not out of the question, you have this august primary and you have an october 16th election. lon