lieutenant brittany costas second lieutenant, courtney hill private jennette vasquez private annette loneygoing to talk to you in a moment first, craig >> yeah. we have another amazing group of women. in the last six years alone, the number of women farmers has increased by more than 30% and if you reap what you sow, these hard-working ladies are planting a bright future for the next generation of farmers >> a typical day on the farm are anything but typical there's no days off when you're a farmer keep coming out, girls everybody's talking today. we feed the sheep. one, two, three. boom we feed the pigs we check our pigs for new babies you seem like a fighter. >> reporter: five mary's farm in northern california is run by mary and her husband, brian, and named after mary and their four daughters. mary francis, mary marg ree, mary jane, and mary teresa >> the girls see me out there throwing blocks of hay or driving the tractor, just like dad does and they see that i can do these things, too. we used to really be, there was a farmer and the farmer's wife and now, it's more common to say, we