. >> long droft. after he's order, he needs to strengthen his muscle. margarit is training him how to use it. >> it's difficult to ride a bike. but with this, i could get the aerobic workout. >> and more and more soldiers are coming back from overseas, many health clubs are beginning to understand the needs of the disabled vet. >> we have certain equipment that could give them ways to work upper body or lower body. >> all excellent ways to help the men and women who served our country, stay fit and healthy for life. for today's healthy limit, susan. >>> and betty and bernie cox, photo of the son, robert cox. robert served in iraq and is currently stationed in germany. he will be back in the states coming up in march. >>> and this is, what robert's stepbrothers, david, either grace has served since 2008. he's stationed in fort carson, colorado. look at all the toyota's for sale. let's go with... i'm selling my toyota rav4. do you know anything at all about the escape? it's a nice light blue color. much like my eyes. my goodness, it's true. the mileage is