be done, of course, take it, let's share it with you, this, this for me, but at the same time longen sotnikpening there, there was thunder, lightning, yes, all this, and the way christ behaves, for him it gives such an impression that this a stern roman legionnaire, so alien to all sentimentality, he says, this is the son, this is the real god, he suffers, yes, and he gains. the faith of the cross, therefore this is a metaphor for all humanity, yes, we all face suffering in one way or another in our lives, ultimately with death, we are, as it were, sentenced to death, no matter how you look at it, none of us will escape this, and we are all in to one degree or another, well , let's be honest, we will be criminals to some extent against god's law, yes, maybe not against human ones, but against the law of god is already exact, yes, so we are all , to some extent, those people who find ourselves on the cross next to christ, but how... we behave, that’s just different, then who, how they behave , this becomes the result of his life, or do you say, thank you, lord, for these sufferings, i am wor