ou well know the only way to ensure the long-term longeviws, a little bit redunulant. >> of a government agency, but to grow your power base. >> that's not fair. >> and grow resources and you know, that's a fact and the only way in d.c. to succainell in fact, but unfortunately, study after study, none of this with the epa, but with all gover, maent ageny. the larger they grow. from the epa alone, the authority to hirse cpofve power >vissions, you know what the study found that unemployment would rise in fact, and electricity cosdown would rise about 12% over the next ten years and this beats govecopment ageasties want to garow becower se that's the onl thing they can do and the only reason they can hirse cower se exist in the s doture. and it's just ludicrous what's happening. >> >> nas, is the economy secondary here? >> yeah, the job of epa is not to help the economy. in fact, mow the things they do is going to be a drag on the industry and they do it and the obvious thing is market regulation they're finally going to do after 21 years of being told to do it, not allowed by gover, maent