henry wadsworth longfellow, from a whole other perspective, was a member of the bowdoin class. another very good friend of hawthorne's, horatio bridge, was a member of that class. so it was a famous class, still, i think, in bowdoin's annals. c-span: when did you first get interested in nathaniel hawthorne? >> guest: oh, it's hard to say. probably as a school child. i remember reading "the minister's black veil," which school children had to do, and being completely horrified. and i never forgot it. i was horrified because i didn't understand it. and later i realized it was all right not to understand it. so i think hawthorne grabs people at a certain point in one's life and never lets go. and long after i decided to write a biography of hawthorne, i realized that my previous book, which was on a very different subject, gertrude stein and her brother, leo, actually began with an epigraph from hawthorne, from hawthorne's "scarlet letter." so obviously, i had been