longform cement' agent./'''' perhaps other americans as well.eneral to have the gall to''' complain.'/'/' next week, he appears before th' senate judiciary committee and/ has another opportunity to come/ clean and tell what he knows and when he knew it, rather than/' continue to mislead the united' states congress and its charging are responsible these for oversight. >> [inaudible question] [inaudible question] it sounds like you setting up for negotiations. what a -- what are your reactions to that? >> the joint select committee did not succeed because with every problem, with every solution, there was one mantra for the democrats. out of frustration, frankly, we propose -- we finally propose doing exactly that. senator toomey led the effort. all of the republicans agreed. we put $250 million. only the people in the top two tax brackets would pay these 250 million -- excuse me, $250 billion. it still wasn't enough. our question is, what is not? when you say put revenues on the table, we put revenues on the table before it to no effec