little symbol that you put in your book when s--when he wrote--when either one of them wrote in longhand. >> guest: that's right. well, no, no, no. can i just correct you there to say that all the letters in that book are handwritten except for where it's stated at the top of the letter, where it says 'typewritten.' the little pen symbol is where my father usually, or my mother, has annotated a typewritten letter in their own hand, made a typewritten--made a handwritten insertion. it's rather sad that in the sort of printed book, of course, you don't see visually these--these differences. but it--it's quite curious. from about 1918 onwards, my father, in fact, quite a lot of his letters were dictated and typed to my mother. he was--at that time, he'd stopped completely writing, for instance, his own books in his own hand. he dictated--dictation to him was like a sort of natural function. his words flowed from him onto his paper almost regardless of the secretary sitting there. but my mother--she minded a little bit, but on the other hand, she'd rather have the letters. c-span: we have a