you had direct access to the facilities at longmire, that is where membrane your national park was located and you also had easier access to paradise which is where everyone wanted to go. privately it was being sponsored by the milwaukee road. they had been secretly funding the construction bonds for the tacoma eastern railroad. tacoma eastern became a subsidiary of that railroad, when the rocky road transcontinental arrived in 1809, it turned tacoma eastern into a subsidiary of the milwaukee road. you are able to be able to catch a train in chicago and although it to mount rainier national park on one ticket. in 1919, 1918, december 31, the milwaukee road absorbed tacoma eastern and a lot of the subsidiaries and formed one gigantic corporation. at that point it became solely known as the milwaukee road. the passenger trains on that were numerous, as you can imagine, there were a lot of people during the summer months that wanted to replicate them in your national park. what is interesting about to, -- tacoma is that the vast majority of laborers that worked on the tacoma eastern were japa