very longrt of a revolution. it is very helpful.avis: now you hit on something i am dying to get an answer to. as a christian the bible i read tells the story of king solomon, who asked for one thing. he wanted wisdom. the scripture says, get an understanding. .olomon asked for wisdom you are clearly a very wise person, and you talked about going over there and gaining wisdom, gaining in knowledge. what can you say about the best way to make ourselves more knowledgeable? how do we get more wise as we get older? >> i think the first thing is to recognize every crisis is a danger and an opportunity. another thing i have learned is human beings are not all like a school of fish. as beingf individuals very different. some people are paralyzed by crisis. some people want to do something but do not know what to do. other people began thinking very creatively. the path is to nurture those people who are taking very visionary ways. >> what gets you out of bed every day? >> what i have to do. >> what is it you still think you have to do? >>