. -- how longu think do you think it will become before health care not become a political football? >> it is hard to say. i was at the lbj library the other day, and most of us want to pay close attention to those debates, because they are distant now in the past, but that apparently took several years before people realized the care actually works and it is lifting a lot of seniors out of despair and poverty. through thiseen cycle before. it happens each and every time we make some strides in terms of strengthening our commitments to expand someand we of the social insurance programs. there is a lot of fear mongering and a lot of political argument and debate and a lot of accusations that are flying back and forth about socialized medicine and the end of freedom and then it turns out that it is working for a lot of folks and we still live in a free market have the constitution in tact, and we move on. i do not know long how long it is going to take, but in the meantime, how about we focus on things the american people care about? thank you, everybody. >> [indiscernible] [captions c