to great at the norwegian town of longyearbyen organizes a special ceremony. for many years ago was declared terra nullus old then belonging to nobody it wasn't until nine hundred twenty that the islands became norwegian territory but even today they enjoy a unique status. in any country that signed the spitzbergen treaty can freely and gauge in commercial activity here no visa is needed to visit the island and there are no customs or border posts anyone on the planet can come and settle on the archipelago there's just one condition they must be self-sufficient. this. place is so special because. little people came here and they really didn't know we had or really are because i think ok and already are closer to north pole yes you are. and other people all have a funny you know that scooters and everything about. time to the bed and saying sure you're fast like. this era it could be very bad. if you're. about to sell some five hundred people live on the island but knowing the number of beds is more of a challenge there are at least three thousand certainly mor