alan: everybody, this is lonnie poole.onnie is going to be building a boy scout- cub scout vehicle. gives us roughly three months to get this vehicle done. obviously that's a v-6, but we're gonna put a big v-8 in this thing, we're gonna put air-conditioning in this thing, and do a custom interior on it for you. your thinking? sounds great. the car needs to be usable. that's very important, just as though you would take it to a camp. the scouts have two colors, guys. they have the blue and the gold, that's the little guys, that's the cubs, and then they have the bigger guys, and that's the olive and the red. so i personally like the blue and the gold a little better. we're gonna have to have this as a show-quality car, the paint job's got to be good. so that's more important, really, than the colors, but if we can work all the colors in, that's great. he's fast to agree what you guys can do. can y'all get this done? ( all agree ) great, great. everybody's on the page with this? so we got roughly seven days to get fuller ide