loofah, people like to exfoliate, skin cells are food.asn't to make sure it dries within use, get rid of it every month or so. >> those you say replace -- >> every couple of weeks. they are holding onto cells. >> towels. a lot of people share towels in the bathroom. i think my husband and i do, which is kind of gross. >> not the best idea. >> not a good idea. >> again, when you're toweling off you're touching saliva, dead skin cells, you don't want to be mixing. color coding is a great way to keep track of whose towel belongs to whom. you want to be careful how you store them. you want a rack where it dries quickly. >> hanging it on a hook, or worse crumpling on my floor which is what my husband does. >> changing out. >> at least once a week. >> great. makeup, a lot of us apply our makeup in the bathroom. is that a problem? >> well, applying it in the bathroom is not a problem but you have to look at your makeup and see how old is it. particularly liquid makeup tends to go bad pretty quickly. it can hold onto germs, you're touching your f