ifif wean looin the l and see whachemicalare doin blogically and thth we ca look in our bodies and in our homes and see which ones we're exposed to, whwhere they're comg from in the products or pollution, then we have the opportunity to reduce exposure to these suspect chemicals, uh, now. >> the emerging science on endocrine disrupting chemicals really means that we have to hahave a complplete overhaul of our chemical safety system. >> youu know, we're dealing with chemicals for whichch there is no safe level of exposure. >> it's the tiny, repeated exposure that more adequately mimics our o own hormone system that is really concerning. >> the hormones in our bodies are operating at parts per billion and parts per trillion concentrations. >> the e one thing that's clears that our current system isn't working, and it doesn't take these low w chronic doses into account. >> i think it's very importantnt for us toto make sure thahat we investigate effects that at least approach human exposure lelevels. >> our cururrent system does not look a at aggregate e exposures, basically a fancy way