they need immediate help. ,my: monica a lopez baltodano your mother was a fighter withta sandininistaration front. can you talk about what the students are demanding now? your thoughts of them coming to meet with republicans i in congress and appealing to the trump administration and what you think is going to happen now in nicaragua? >> yeah, the people in the streets are not appealing to any force outside from our own. we are quite clear the strength of this struggle is on the street and on the organization of people in the streets. of course, it is relevant to make everyone outside nicaragua understand the level of hate the government is portraying against the nicaraguan population. the level of violence, the use of mechanisms that are unseen for my generation. most of the use were born in the 1990's. the people that are blocking street, putting barricades that are taking the university campuses, all of those people are saying quite clearly, we do not want any arrangement under the table. out of power as soon as possible. we need to do a profound change in nicaragua's constitution