and they gave me a lopotomy. brain surgery? no, a lopotomy, not a lobotomy.what's the difference? the difference is that when you get a lopotomy, they shave your nether regions. nether what? where does it say that a gunshot wound requires a rectal exam, huh? yeah, with a telescope big enough to see venus. so what's new on our case? anything new? you got avis yet? what did you guys do, take an ad out in the paper? uh, he's family. who's she? sergeant cole. hey, how are you? leo getz. anything you need, leo getz. get it? yeah, i get it. real estate, right now-- hey. hey, listen. guys, give me a break. i owe this guy one. give me something to do. you can get us a cup of coffee or something. that's great. thanks a lot, riggs. i take one for you, and that's what you tell me? that's all i'm good for? take a slug, you put me on the pile! look! leo! we've got something for yo check out mesa verde construction. find out all the information you can, ok? ok, ok. sure, i can do this. mesa verde. i got it. wait. what are you doing giving him mesa verde? if there's anythin