minipress, hytrin, sectral, tenormin, apresoline, cozaar, benicar, diovan, capoten, altace, prinivil, lopresor, toprol, corgard, levatol, cardizem, dilacor, adalat, procardia, and tekturna. and i have to tell you, the idea that this sun study could eat into the profits of these pharmaceuticals could make my blood boil. i should take my avapro. oh, yeah, avapro. [cheering and applause] jimmy, could you... jimmy? thank you. regardless, the good people at prescott pharmaceuticals aren't ones to let a medical breakthrough go unexploited. that's why they're proud to introduce our new blood pressure medication, vasca-towel. simply apply vasca-towel to your front lawn... [laughter] lay down in the treatment rectangle and soak in the life-healing ultraviolet radiation. folks... [cheering and applause] you know vasca-towel's motto: when your moles start changing shape, you know it's working. just soak in the healing as vasca-towel does its medical magic to keep most but not all bugs from crawling on you. and remember, these aren't just towels we stole from our aunt's linen closet. she said we could hav