and lord carnarvon's friend howard carter entered the tomb with lord carnarvon. a few weeks later, a cobra eats his pet canary. that bird abruptly changed his tune. it's all in here. 1912--the british museum has a cursed mummy. they ship it to america... on the titanic! that's a totally unsubstantiated rumor. look, we've worked on the mummy all afternoon nothing. ow! it drew blood! i did it, vinnie, through my own impatience. it's a warning! ignore it at your peril! it rained the other day. the wood swelled. you're playing with fire, howser. it's like with my great-aunt nicolina. she toured the catacombs in sicily, sat on some coffin, mistaking it for an elaborate bench, and three weeks later-- she falls face-down in the street, dead! she was 96. she was a robust 96! these are stories from the old country... superstitions. you're in the 20th century, you're a college student. you have to break away from your past. i don't know. there are more things in heaven and earth, horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. you're afraid of this mummy because you don't