page, an exclusive interview with lord lester tierfound guilty by page, an exclusive interview with lord lester tierission standards. —— lester. this had various twists and turns, but it predates that of decision by the house of lords. this is probably of huge interest to journalists like us, the way newspapers work. what has happened here is they do the interview when lord lester thinks he is facing a four—year ban from the house of lords, then he discovers subsequently to doing the interview that he is not facing a four—year ban because the whole thing has been sent back to the committee for privileges to reconsider. obviously it will be interesting to know if lord lester did the interview, if he knew what was subsequently going to happen. but then the whole story is he is giving his side of the case, which we will not go into now. it is an interesting thing. it does say in here that as i look was about to leave, the reporter, came the stunning news that is banned had been overturned. —— his then had been overturned. —— his then had been overturned. —— his then had been overturned. the interview w