good luck, lord ubu, my lord and master. oh, i forgot to tell you... i'm making you regent. but i'm taking the account books with me. so if you try to cheat me, you're in for a hot time. i'm leaving the malcontent gyron behind as your assistant. farewell, madam. farewell, great commander. and mind you, kill the czar good and proper. don't worry about that. twisting of the teeth, pulling of the tongue and penetration of the neroes with my little wooden pick. [music] now that we've got to rid of that overstuffed dummy. let's get down to business. assassinate boggerlas and get our hands on the treasures of poland. but first, the treasures. [music] hey, gyron. come and help me. help you? do what, mistress? everything. my dear husband wishes you to take care of everything while he is away at the wars. so tonight... don't rush darling. anyway, with your complexion, it's invisible. hey, hey. help me cart away these treasures. [music] forward, my friends. long live poland. now, that old scoundrel ubu is dead, which only leaves old mother ubu and her malcontent to deal with. i ask on