and lord voldemort. anyway, happy birthday, michael! yeah. you'd be so lucky! [applause] good one. picture of my bare boobs on the bulletin board with a caption that said, "gross." well. michael, you are the reason i drink. you are the reason i live to forget. [makes gunshot noises, light applause] [speaking in spanish] it wasn't hard. i just wrote down some of the stuff that i usually yell on my car ride home. [light applause] (michael) nope. no! friends only. friends only! several times a day, michael says words that are way beyond my vocabulary. i know where this is going. do you? no. okay. [laughs] remember spider face? nope. okay. 'cause the quote was, "cut off your nose to spider face." spid--okay. [laughter] yeah. yep. [laughter] how dare you all attack him like this? oh, stop it, dwight. michael is your superior. no, no, no. okay, you should be bowing down in front of him. dwight, you're supposed to do it this way. okay, no, they don't understand who they have. that is the way you're supposed to do it, idiot. you're interrupting me. i am trying to get your back. idiot. idio